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my favourite red lentil dhal with pickled coriander (cilantro) stalks

It’s no secret that I love spices. I’ve written about them numerous times before and use them in my cooking every day. Even just a teaspoon or two can elevate a dish from ok, to amazing. Dhal is one of those dishes. With just a handful of simple ingredients and a few different spices you […]

cabbage, coriander + sesame winter slaw

I’ve always felt a deep connection to this land where I was born and a deep yearning to know more about my Māori heritage. Being of mixed descent and growing up in a time where only the brave held (fiercely) onto their culture, it was not part of my upbringing, sadly. Te reo (the language) […]

Chickpea + paneer curry

Firstly, thanks so much for your enthusiasm on my last post! I was really worried I’d never feel the urge to return to this space, but I’m so glad I have. It feels great to be home… Speaking of home, I’ve seen a lot of it over the past week as my youngest was taken […]

Vegan pumpkin, lentil + kale bake

So, um, that 5 month break from this site just kinda happened. I hadn’t intended to stay away from this space for so long but lets just say it’s been one hell of an eventful start to the year. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you may have already heard me talking about […]

Curried carrot + red lentil soup with mung beans + feta

I think I’ve mentioned it here once or twice already over the years, but I’m not so great with change. Moving house is unsettling, but I deal with it and can make any house my home. It’s the changes of technical nature that take me a little longer to feel comfortable with. I love the […]

Kale curry with crispy shallots + egg

Tadaa! It’s only taken me 6 years to get around to, but I’ve finally had a blog makeover! It’s been one of those things I’ve been wanting to do for about the past 4 years, but between creating two cookbooks, motherhood + moving countries, lets just say I’ve had a few other things to do. […]