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Chipotle, bean + lime stuffed sweet potatoes with herb salsa (gluten-free + vegan) + win a copy of my new cookbook and more!

Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme
Those of you who have been stopping by here awhile, or have either of my cookbooks will know that I encourage cooking real food from scratch as much as humanly possible. It’s kinda my thing. But you know, I’m human also. There are times when I simply don’t have the time or inclination to cook everything we eat from scratch, every day of the year. Dips and crackers are often picked up on the way to catch-up with friends and quick supermarket lunches while on the go (consisting of a tub hummus and packet of gluten-free crackers eaten while driving to my next destination). Of the plethora of dips on the market, you know the one I tend to reach for? Lisa’s. It’s a brand we all know and love and if my memory serves right, was one of New Zealand’s first commercial producers of proper hummus (that actually tasted like hummus), way back when people still weren’t exactly sure what hummus was (yeah, I’m talking awhile back now…). It was kinda of a no-brainer to say yes, when they contacted me recently to help launch their new World of Flavours dips range.

Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme

Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme
These new dips, as with all of the Lisa’s range, are naturally gluten-free and vegetarian and made with real ingredients. The new flavours have a bean base (red kidney bean in the Mexican Chipotle dip, Butter beans in both the Greek Yoghurt dip and Thai Sriracha), which is a great source of protein and gives the dips a lovely texture. I imagine they would all be lovely used in the traditional dip manor, with vegetable crudités, crackers or chips. But I wanted to showcase a quick and easy meal idea using the dip that quickly became my favourite of the new flavours.

Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme
Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme
Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme

We call sweet potato ‘Kumara’ here in New Zealand, and roasting them whole is something my family absolutely loves. Splitting them in half once cooked and filling them with a little Lisa’s World of Flavours Mexican Chipotle dip, a garlicy (vegan) sauce and a generous scattering of herb salsa, really does make for one super quick, easy and flavour-packed lunch or light dinner- with a big green salad on the side.


Lisa’s and I have put together the perfect early Christmas present for one lucky New Zealand reader. The prize pack consists of 1 x signed copy of my new cookbook A Year In my Real Food Kitchen5 x Lisa’s dips gift vouchers and the gorgeous handmade bowl you see in the photos below, by local Raglan potter Tony Sly. To be in the draw, simply leave a comment below telling me which new Lisa’s dip flavour you’d most like to try. Please note: comments left on my social media channels will not be counted as an entry, only comments on my blog. The winner will be drawn at random, 5pm Friday 25th November. Sorry overseas readers, this competition is only open to New Zealand readers. Good luck! UPDATE: Giveaway now closed, congratulations Jess O’Sullivan xx

Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme
Chipotle, Bean + Lime Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Herb Salsa | My Darling Lemon Thyme

Chipotle, bean + lime stuffed sweet potatoes with herb salsa

You will need to start this recipe the night before if serving with the garlic sauce, to allow the cashew nuts time to soak. At a pinch, you can cover them with boiling water and leave to soak 3-4 hours instead of overnight. 

Makes 4


4 medium orange (Beauregard) sweet potatoes (kumara)

190g tub of Lisa’s World of Flavours Mexican Chipotle dip

Finely chopped fresh chilli and spring onions, to serve, optional


Garlic sauce

1/2 cup raw cashew nuts, soaked overnight in cold water

1 clove garlic, peeled

The juice 1/2 lemon

1 teaspoon nutritional yeast, optional

1/3-1/2 cup cold filtered water


Herb salsa

A large handful of flat-leaf parsley

A large handful coriander leaves and tender stalks

1 small clove garlic, finely chopped

1/2 green chilli, finely chopped

1/2 teaspoon lightly toasted cumin seeds, roughly ground

The juice of 1/2 lime

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


Preheat oven to 200C (400F). Wash the sweet potatoes and prick a few holes in each with a fork or sharp knife. Place onto a tray and roast 1 hour, or until tender.

While they are roasting, drain cashews and place into a blender with the garlic, lemon juice and nutritional yeast (if using). Add 1/3 cup cold water and blend until smooth, adding a touch more water if needed, to produce a lovely sauce consistency. Season well with salt.

To make the herb salsa, finely chop the parsley and coriander and place into a bowl along with the garlic, chilli, cumin, lime juice and olive oil. Mix well, then season to taste.

To serve, slice each sweet potato in half horizontally, making sure you stop just before cutting right through to the bottom. Gently open it out a little, evenly divide the Mexican Chipotle dip between the four sweet potatoes, top with a little herb salsa, a drizzle of garlic sauce and a scattering of fresh chilli and spring onion slices, if you like.

This post is sponsored by Lisa’s. As always, all views are my own. Thank you for supporting the companies who allow me to continue providing free recipes and content.


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287 Responses

  1. Omg I am so going to try this recipe. So want to get my taste buds into the Mexican chipotle dip… loving mexican flavors at the moment…yummm

  2. I’m a sriracha fiend so can’t wait to try the thai sriracha flavour! Plus I’ve been eating my weight in hummus since I had my first born last week – it was so hard not eating hummus for 9 months since tahini is on the no go list! I also have your first book and would love the second too 🙂

  3. Hi Emma

    I’m on your page – as much as I want to make everything from scratch, some days you just need a little help with likes of the Lisa Hummus range. The new flavours sound great & I’d like to try the Thai Siriacha. I thought I was a fairly adventurous cook, but haven’t tried or made Siriacha. I’d love your new book, the first one is well-used! And who wouldn’t like a Tony Sly bowl – what a prize pack……

  4. I’d LOVE to try this recipe, always looking for new inspiration for sweet potato, it’s a mainstay in my diet!

  5. I adore Asian food!! So I’m rather excited to try Lisa’s World of Flavours Thai Sriracha Dip! I think I would spiralizer carrot and zucchini, slice radish and mushrooms then toss in a bowl with a couple spoonfuls of the Thai Sriracha Dip. Top with chopped coriander and fresh red chilli and a squeeze of lemon! Yum!

  6. This meal looks amazing! The Mexican Chipotle Dip would be my go to of the new flavours. You can’t beat a delish mexican bowl with loads of greens, beans and avo, and this would be the perfect addition!

  7. The Mexican Chipotle would be amazing in a quick and easy salad wrap for lunch! And with toasted tortilla or pita chips for a little later on.

  8. Oh my gosh this looks delicious! I’m really craving sweet potatoes as the weather gets cold! I think I’d go for the Greek yogurt dip!

  9. Yum Emma! This looks fantastic. I am looking forward to trying this new Lisa’s Mexican Chipotle dip, what a great protein filled addition to tasty Mexican delights! Your new book looks like a keeper as well, if the gluten free pizza base and potato pastry in your first book are anything to go then this will become a staple on our kitchen bench at home too 🙂

  10. Sriracha is new to me so would looove to try that one – though they all sound great. great that Lisa’s is continuing to lead the way in expanding their range. your recipes are always so do-able , approachable & affordable. I dont think I’d be able to stay out of Tony Sly’s shop if I lived in Raglan 🙂

  11. This looks Incredible!! Look forward to trying this beautiful recipe! I would love to try the New Lisa’s Greek Yoghurt Dip, I am sure it will go perfectly with a new recipe I am experimenting with for our New Food Blog that has just launched. Feel free to check it out Emma! I have always been inspired and cook a lot of your recipes!

  12. Moroccan Carrot sounds like me! But then again, they all sound so delicious and there;s more than one that tickles my fancy!

  13. That Chipotle one sounds amazing! As I already own your lovely books, I’d be able to pass this on to a friend 😍

  14. Yum! really hard to choose!! But I would love to try the Sriracha Bean Dip with roasted capsicum & sweet chilli as its a LIMITED EDITION!

  15. Wow! Can’t wait to try this recipe thanks Emma! I would love to try the Kumara, Coconut and Turmeric one – sounds amazing 🙂

  16. I would love to try the Kumara and coconut dip, it sounds like something I would just eat by the spoonful and forget to share !!

  17. I’ve just bought some masa flour to try making my own corn tortilla’s and have put a tortilla press on my Christmas wish list … so thinking the Mexican chipotle flavour aligns best with this current fad. Most of all though I would love to win your cookbook!

  18. Mexican Chipotle Dip is my first: I choice?. It would be yum spread over a” wrap and filled with Tomato & Cucumber Salsa & humus roasted chicken – I’d sure be in my zone ( the Mecican one)!

  19. Love love love chipotle, so definitely that, and love love love your first book so what a combo 😍😘

  20. would love to try Lisa’s Sriracha Bean Dip with roasted capsicum & sweet chilli, & so nice to serve it in the TS Dip bowl 🙂🙂

  21. The Beetroot is always high on the list but I’d love to try the Mexican chipotle. Mmm they’re all so good!!

  22. Kumara with coconut and turmeric – I have your first book and this one sounds just as good.. That bowl is great as well.

  23. I have your first book and would love to win a copy of your new book. The new ranging Lisa’s dips look perfect for summer entertaining, my first pick would be Kumara with Coconut & Tumeric.

  24. Mexican chipotle for me!! Have loved your blog for years Emma, I have your first book and would love your second xx

  25. I LOVE your books…. they are so inspiring and just make my mouth water. I am making my way through the recipes and everything is so yummy and delicious. I often buy copies as gifts so I would be just passing on the LOVE. Any chance of visiting Australia and holding workshops?
    Happy days, M x

    1. Hi Maree, thank you 🙂 Where in Australia are you based? I might be heading to Melbourne, Sydney and hopefully Perth (possibly Brisbane too if there’s enough interest) at some stage next year. Have you signed up to my email updates? That’s probably the best way to keep up to date with any workshops etc xx

  26. This looks absolutely delicious!!!
    I would love to try the new Lisa’s Thai Siratcha Dip. They all look absolutely amazing, and your recipe really compliments the flavours. So grateful for having a blog that caters for us coeliac’s. Love your blog, and you a great inspiration to me ❤️

  27. Kumara, Coconut & Turmeric Hummus sounds interesting. Will look out for them in the supermarket – thanks for sharing.

  28. I’d love to try the Kumara with Coconut and Turmeric please. I don’t eat dairy so I find most of Lisa’s dips are great. It’s exciting that she has put out a new range although I do often like to make my own from scratch too. Thanks for all your recipes Emma!

  29. I can’t wait to spice up my Mexican game with the new chipotle flavour. I think it would be amazing in softbtacos with a lentil chilli and lots of guacamole 🙂

  30. Caramelised onion with lemon and rosemary sounds
    absolutely yum!!! The competition is a great idea:)

  31. The greek yoghurt looks good- and thanks for your recipes, too, they always work and they taste great.

  32. I think I would have to try Kumara, coconut and turmeric first, closely followed by the others. Lisa’s dips are my “go to meal on a run”also. So excited about new ones to try.

  33. I’d most like to try the Kumara, Coconut & Turmeric Hummus. They all sound delicious! Can’t wait to try these new flavours.

  34. OOH haven’t seen the chipotle flavour would love to try it and add your new book to my collection 🙂

  35. The new Mexican Chipotle flavour would be my pick to try. Although Kumara with Coconut and Turmeric also sounds devine 🙂

  36. yum!! The Mexican chipotle would be my pick, as I love Mexican. Love your first cookbook so much and your second is on my wishlist 🙂

  37. I haven’t tried the mexican chipotle but I’d love to. The Coconut, kumara and turmeric hummus one is amazing!

  38. Emma, I just love your recipes. My husband is Cambodian and so the SE Asian influence in your food really suits him too, which is awesome. I have your new cookbook out from the library at the moment and and am loving cooking from it as well. And I would love to try the coconut, kumara, and turmeric hummus – lots of my fav flavours in there!

  39. Totally Mexican Chipotle, it has been our flavour of the year! And Tony Sly, as my 8yo wee bird says ‘love heart eyes!’.

  40. Have recently discovered Sriracha and love the flavour so would try both Thai Sriracha and Sriracha Bean Dip

  41. Ohhhh so hard to choose, a close tie between Mexican Chipolte and Thai Sriracha, but if I had to choose…. Chipolte as the kids, hubs and I are big Mexican fans here!! 😍 What a great gift this would be in time for the party season! 😊

  42. I would definitely love to try the Greek yoghurt!! With going into summer I love these sorts of dips on salads and just with anything at all!

  43. Aubagine and cashew with coriander and lime!! Absolutely love your books Emma, I have got them out of the library so many times now!! Currently have a hold on your new one for the third time!! Would love my own copy x

  44. Mexican chipotle – as I cook a lot of interesting Mexican food, after travelling there and loving the flavours even more than the western versions!

  45. The Mexican Chipotle sounds delicious! Am dying to get my hands on your new cookbook, Emma! I lived and breathed your first one and adore everything you stand for with your real food cooking!

  46. Mexican chipotle for sure! I love putting hummus in chicken wraps mmmm I think i could conjur up some yumminess with it!

  47. Kumara, coconut and turmeric, all those flavours are amazing – so why not try them all mixed together? Love your book and your second one would be amazing!!

  48. This is my dream prize, I’d love your new cookbook, Lisa’s chipotle dip sounds delicious – i’d love to try it in your recipe and Tony Sly pottery is so beautiful.

  49. Only one?! Can’t decide between Greek yogurt or Mexican Chipotle. Hmmm make that Chipotle. Yes please!

  50. Mexican Chipotle sounds amazing, but also a big fan of the Aubergine & Cashew! Would LOVE your new book as the last one is my current bible 🙂

    1. Hi Jess! You’re the winner of the prize pack 🙂 Huge congrats. Email is on it’s way. Emm xx

  51. The Mexican Chipotle sounds amazing but also a huge fan of the Aubergine & Cashew! Would LOVE your new book as the last one is my current kitchen bible 🙂

  52. I have a love of hummus, your blog and your recipes so this prize sounds awesome. Would love to try Lisa’s Mexican Chipotle Hummus. Sounds delish!

  53. I love a good dip! The Thai Sriracha would be my pick, perfect to top some crispy veggie tacos with and ideal just with some corn chips. Yum!

  54. As always, this recipe looks incredible! I love how your food is both delicious and nourishing :). Would love to try the Greek Yoghurt hummus!

  55. I’d like to try the Thai dip for my vegan newly diagnosed coeliac daughter. She’s pretty miffed about it but we’re having fun cooking new recipes. She loves spicy food.

  56. This recipe looks delicious as does the range of Lisa’s dips… First on my list will have to be Mexican chipotle to go with this recipe. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win these prizes 🙂

  57. Yum what a prize!! Would soooo love your recipe book and to try the Thai Sriracha yum!!!

  58. I’d definitely go for the Mexican one – love those smoky chipotle flavours, and am keen to try the stuffed kumara recipe

  59. Definitely a fan of cooking real food that is quick, easy, nutritious and delicious. This recipe looks just that! Would love to win the goodies and add your cookbook to my repertoire. Trying Mexican Chipotle would be fab!

  60. I’m so excited about your new book! I use your recipes all the time. I’m keen to try the Mexican Chipotle but I’m a bit wary of anything too spicy!

  61. Sheesh! Tough call. They all look amazing. My pick would be the Thai Sriracha Dip. Sriracha is my favourite sauce. I have it on so many things!

  62. I would love to try the sriracha bean dip, although all of Lisa’s new range sound amazing! ❤️

  63. Mexican no wait Kumera, ummm, oh , golly, both sound to amazing, so both would have to go I to my trolly for sure.

  64. I’ve always been a huge fan of babaganoush, but I also loove Mexican flavours so will definitely be trying the Mexican Chipotle. OK, let’s be honest, I’m going to try them all!!!! xxxx

  65. I’m super keen to try the Thai Sriracha but I will not hesitate even a split second to buy any of them when I see them in the supermarket

  66. Yum, this recipe looks delish! We love Lisa’s hummus and are keen to try the Kumara, coconut and tumeric 🙂

  67. Hi Emma, this post made me seek out the Mexican chipotle dip at the supermarket yesterday and it is so delicious. I love that it is bean based and super yummy. Dips i’ve made with beans haven’t been very tasty. I also really like how low in sugar it is. It’s got a nice kick to it but not too much for my 8 year old son to enjoy. I would love to try the Thai Sriracha flavoured one next. What a lovely giveaway – thank you to all involved 🙂

  68. Really like the sound of the Mexican Chipotle dip – that’s the one I would like to try first. They all sound yummy and I really like Lisa’s hummus.

  69. The whole range looks divine as does your new book!!! Would love to win a copy and read while having dip and crackers xx I would love to try the kumara, coconut and turmeric please ❤️

  70. Oh, I’m already salivating thinking of Lisa’s Mexican Chipotle dip (kidney beans…yummmm) so I’d have to choose that one as my first but all of the dips and hummus sound heavenly!

  71. What a fabulous giveaway! I love all things Mexican, so definitely keen on trying Lisa’s new Mexican Chipotle dip (then I’ll be semi sorted for making your new dish) 😊

  72. After drooling over these beautiful photos, I’d loooove to try the new Mexican Chipotle dip – it sounds divine! Thanks.

  73. You’re such creative with the sweet potatoes. I love the idea! and it seemed to taste garlicky and tangy, but so flavorful. It’s a must try dish. I’ll try to make this one of these days. Thanks!

  74. I have a lot of tacos to get my kids to have lots of different veggies so I love the idea of the Lisa’s Mexican

  75. Aubergine & Cashew with coriander & lime is my go to and is always a fave. Definitely keen to try this Mexican chipotle!

  76. My kids won’t eat hummus when I make it! So we buy Lisa’s sometimes too. I would like to try the Mexican Chipotle:)

  77. I want to make my fave chicken wraps with the new chipotle hummus. What a delicious flavour combo.

  78. I’ve already tried the Mexican Chipotle which is yum so I’m keen to try the Thai Siracha and the Kumera, Coconut and Turmeric hummus! They sound delicious!

  79. I’d totally go for the thai or greek – as they are flavours I ADORE. I love that you have included a local artist’s pottery as well. What a fabulous giveaway 🙂

  80. The Mexican Chipotle dip is my first pick, and then I can try your recipe! 😃 I’d love to win this prize for my Mum for Xmas ❤️ Thank you!

  81. That yoghurt one sounds divine, perfect for Greek-inspired meals. Im a big fan of their roasted carrot dip.
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  82. Hi Emma. Gosh I’m so stoked that I stumbled across your blog. Thank you for the opportunity of being able to enter this very generous competition. I would love to give the Mexican Chipotle dip a go as Mexican is a cuisine that I’d love to delve into. Your book looks amazing. I was admiring it in the book store not too long ago. My hubby and I have just changed our bad eating habits for a more nutritional and healthier way of eating and it’s a lot of fun looking for healthier alternatives.

  83. YUM, I LOVE Lisa’s and I love you ☺️ I’d love to try Mexican Chipotle and I’m definitely trying this recipe!

  84. YUM, I love Lisa’s and I love you! I’d like to try Mexican chipotle, and I’m definitely going to try this recipe!

  85. Would like to give the Mexican chipotle a try …normally stick with kumara/pumpkin so I’m going to branch out🌿

  86. Wow what a stunning giveaway. Love the sound of the Thai Sriracha will be a fav hubby and I and I’m sure he kids would benefit from the rest of the giveaway 😜

  87. Oh yum. After living in the Middle East for years, Lisa’s was a life saver – no one else at the time made hummus as authentic as Lisa’s did. Reading through your recipe made my mouth water…Mexican Chipotle all the way!

  88. Thai Sriracha Dip – if it’s one of the new ones?! I’ve certainly never seen it anywhere before and I can’t wait to try it 🙂 Also excited to see your cookbook!

  89. Endless choices! but if I had to choose one – I’d say Mexican chipotle – sounds devine! (As does your book!)

  90. Thai Sriracha Dip, sounds absolutely beaut !! I’m sold.
    ‘Hot & tangy Sriracha chilli sauce blended with butter beans and balanced with roasted capsicum, sweet chilli and coriander for a bean dip with a little kick !’

  91. Sriracha Bean suits my palate- however having read earlier posts, Thai sriracha looks popular

  92. Mexican chipotle I am dying to try! I am also dying to get my hands on your book once Xmas and my wee ones bday is out of the way unless Santa has read my wish list!!! Hehe

  93. The Mexican Chipotle as I love all foods Mexican like nachos, tacos, corn, red kidney and black beans, beef or chicken, chilli and cheese!