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red currant and rose lassi recipe

Pushkar… colourfully adorned camels, streets lined with delicious sweets, mountain monkeys swinging outside my window, rose and amla lassi…  is what my dear friend Grace wrote while on a recent trip to India. I remember it well, even though it’s been well over 10 years since I stepped foot on Indian soil. I remember with great […]

green smoothie recipe

Green smoothies seem to be everywhere at the moment and I’m not usually one to jump on the bandwagon but after reading this post and making Sherilyn’s version, it got me thinking that this wasn’t such a bad trend to follow… then I saw this absolutely adorable video made by Anya of Golubka fame that sealed the […]

strawberry, black pepper & thyme cordial recipe

Every time we shop at the Asian grocery store the kids always nag at me for a drink. There’s something about the bright packaging and weird shaped cartons that seems to make them want it more than the standard orange juice seen elsewhere. Occasionally, I mean very occasionally I give in and buy them one […]

homemade almond milk recipe

Have you tried almond milk before? I hadn’t up until a week ago. This may sound rather strange for someone who has been mostly dairy-free for over three years, but it just always seemed way to expensive to justify buying it and we simply got used to the sweet thinness of rice milk in place of cow. Back […]

fresh hibiscus cordial recipe

Our backyard is awesome. It’s fully enclosed so the kids can happily play out there alone without any fear of them running onto the road. It’s flat. There’s grass. Trees. Two lemon trees. Rose bushes in full bloom. And an overgrown hibiscus plant covered with bright pink pom-pom like flowers.  One day recently as the […]

kombucha tea recipe

We’ve moved into our own house, finally. And it’s by far the strangest move I’ve ever done. Even as an 18 year old, moving out of home I at least had a few possessions, and was moving into an already established house so didn’t have to worry about buying all those household things you take for […]