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homemade lemon + lime cordial recipe

Growing up, our water came straight from the sky and onto our tin roof, before draining into the dark green tank that sat perched amongst the jasmine flowers at the back of our house. There were no chemicals added, at all. We bathed in this beautiful rainwater, drank it and mum prepared our meals using […]

vegan blueberry power smoothie recipe

If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know that we drink a lot of smoothies in our house. The second the kids walk in the door after school I usually have one on the go to re-fuel my tired little monkeys after their long and draining day. There are a few things that go into […]

creamy pink smoothie {vegan}

There’s quite a few things that Si and I do differently. I don’t eat meat, he does. I like to eat healthily, he doesn’t always. He likes salty, I like sweet. I only eat 1-2 bits of fruit a day, he’s a fruit bat. I drink herb tea, he drinks coffee. I eat homemade gluten-free […]

mango, mint + lime lassi recipe

The tooth-fairy nearly forgot to come the other night. It was Ada’s fourth tooth to fall out so she knows the drill by now. I stumbled in to bed just before midnight, after a busy day of cooking/writing/editing photos. I was rudely awoken about an hour later by a little tap-tap on the shoulder from a small […]

the famed green juice recipe from my 3 day detox

I’m craving a huge bowlful of yoghurt, topped with berries, bananas and nuts. Like, really really craving them. As I sit here late at night typing up this post I am only one sleep away from my dream bowl of yoghurt. By the time you’ve read this tomorrow morning I will have finished my 3 day detox, eaten that said bowl […]

mulberry soda recipe

Firstly I hope all my readers along the East Coast of America are staying safe, far out! Does anyone else feel like if that can happen to the New York city we are all doomed?! Scary stuff. Take care everyone. Secondly thank you all so much for your excited well-wishes about my book announcement last week! It’s […]

soothing lemon, honey + rosemary tea recipe

Something’s been trying to get me these past few days. It’s been lurking at the back of my throat threatening to worsen. I had felt like I was managing to keep it at bay by overdosing on vitamin C, Olive leaf extract and Colloidal silver, but this morning I woke up feeling like crap. My nose […]