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A few of my favourite things {March 2015}

Thanks so much for all your cheers and comments on my last post. I think there are more than a few people feeling the way I do at the moment and I was happy to start the conversation. I’ve missed a few of these favourites posts lately… but I think I’ve made up for that below, enjoy xx

* This girl
* I miss the village, too.
* This post.
* GREAT tips.
* Want everything here.
* You’re boring.
* Great song.
* Kelsey’s words. Honest + real.
* Loving this post from Sherrie too. Again, keeping it real.
* Exciting!
* This is going to be amazing.
* This song has grown on me.
* Great read.
* Love this, so much.
* The giants were amazing.
* Yum.
* I’ve been sitting on this news since I was in the States last year! So excited.

Photo above was taken in the city when the giants were in town. (You can spot the little girl in the far right hand corner).

My cookbooks


13 Responses

  1. Thanks for the fun links!

    I don't know how you fix this, as I'm assuming it is a website thing and not a browser thing (never have a problem with any other site but yours) but you cannot 'right click' and open in another tab any of the links you provide. I've tried in chrome and firefox. Don't have a Mac and am not about to struggle with that internet explorer crap. Needless to say, it makes perusing the links you share extremely difficult and frustrating as I can't just open them all and click over when I want a little break from work. I then need to hit 'back' until I return to your site and click the next link. Meaning I skim over and often skip a lot of things you share which is too bad as most are just lovely!

    If you could figure out a way to fix this it would be wonderful.


    1. Hi Caz,
      When I purchased a new blog template a few years back the right-click was disabled (as part of the coding). As I'm not a tech head in any way I have no idea how to change this. But one day when I have the money to pay someone to do a full blog overhaul I'll make sure this is addressed. Maybe just read these favourites posts when you're at home and have the time to click backwards and forwards? I don't find it that bigger deal myself xx