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a few of my favourite things {January 2015}

Things have a been a little quiet around here lately, but with good reason I promise! Thankfully I did manage to get most of the work done that I spoke of previously, before heading down south with Si and the kids for a week. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll have already seen much of what we got up to down there, but a full post with even more photos is in the pipeline, well, when I get around to uploading the hundreds of photos from my camera that is! I hope your summer holidays have been fun (or your winter bearable if you’re reading from the Northern Hemisphere!). It’s been awhile since I shared a favourites post, so go make yourself a cuppa and come back to a few (ok, maybe more than a few) of my favourite things…

* Ladi6: Return to Africa
* Best Vegetarian in Melbourne
* So proud of my friend Conor. Debut Fortunes EP ‘Hoodie‘ released a week ago quickly shot to #1 on the NZ R&B charts! ‘Keeper’ is one of my all time fav songs, ever.
* Killer song.
* Gonna crank out some of this once the weather cools a little…
* My brother Ben has a new website where you can buy his handmade Trash Footwear! Whoop!
* LOVE this song. (Don’t love the video though).
* My niece + nephews foxes are selling like hot cakes (yay for us, as it means they can hopefully afford to visit us here in Perth soon!)
* Such huge news for my dear friend from back home in Raglan.
* Bought this recently, written by a fellow Aussie food blogger who was one of the first local bloggers I ever came across!
* Martha Goes Green volume two! (Self published cookbook written by good friends of 
* Beautiful chilled summer song.
* Dream kitchen corner.
* So incredibly stoked to hear this news and this (beautiful cakes too!).
* An oldie but a goodie.
* One of these would be so handy.
* This lady is incredibly talented. (FB here).

My cookbooks


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