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a few of my favourite things {October 2014}

We have a rent inspection coming up next week (I really haaaaaate these damn things!), which means that amongst cleaning like a mad woman, I’ve also been sorting through piles of photos, papers, magazines and cookbooks, which you know, kinda get outa hand when left to their own devices for a few months. Cleaning out my bed-side table I came across a bunch of photos which my brother took of Si, the kids and I a few years back for use in my cookbook. We only ended up using one of them (the one you’ll see towards the back of the book and on the back cover), but flicking through the rest made me realise how quickly the years fly by. So much has happened between then and now and the past few years really do feel like a blur. I hope you’ve all had a great October, me… I’m just scared it’s nearly halfway through term four with Christmas and 2015 fast approaching! Slow down time, please slow down.

* Perth train party. I cry happy tears watching this and balled my eyes out watching this.
* The Dark Horse. Hitting Australian shores November 20th. Can. Not. Wait. (Proud kiwi).
* Reading this article made me love kiwis even more. So damn humble.
* I believe in this project. Please help and spread the word!
* Groovy summer tune.
* How inspiring is this family?!
* Beautiful local garlic grown by people who care. You can order now for December harvest (1kg minimum) Western Australian friends! (Not sponsored, just sharing).
* Love this song.
* My millet recipes on Food52!
* Super important and for many, an eye opening campaign. Great show too.
* Nice little interview.
* New Aussie talent.
* Yum + yum + yum!

Photo credit: Louie Galloway (my little bro!)

My cookbooks


6 Responses

  1. Thanks for the link love, Emma! I am thrilled that you loved the dosa recipe. I need to get my cookbook collection under control, it's taking over my living room 🙂

  2. So true Emma! Recently we looked at photos from couple of years ago and cant believe how our kids have grown. I plead too slow down time!!! I love your work and especially feel connected as I live in the mighty Waikato!

  3. I had just planted 7 kinds of garlic bulbils,4 rows,the day before you posted about JaHa garlic farms.!16 HOURS OF WEEDING A ROW,yousaid.I am rethinking my career decision lol.

  4. wow, i love this photo!! isn't crazy the treasures we find when we do one of those big crazy deep cleans?? and yeah, everything needs to slow down. christmas is NEXT MONTH!!!! oyoyoyoyoy. big hugs!!!! and thanks for the link love!!!!!!!!! xoxooxoxo