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a few of my favourite things {March 2014} + a behind the scenes look at making my cookbook + some BIG news!

So, hello April 1st. I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time! While some may call you April fools, me, I call you my official book launch date!!! Whaaaaa! Today’s the day people! While I get back to cooking like a mad woman for this book launch I thought it might be quite nice to share my favourites post with a bunch of behind-the-scenes shots tacked on the end from back when I was making the book, along with a handful of shots that didn’t quite make the cut. Thanks so much for all your lovely emails, messages and comments. It feels so bloody awesome to hear you’re all loving the book as much as I do! Also crazy, amazing news to wake up to this morning… my blog is a finalist in the Saveur awards, in the Best Original Recipes catergory sitting alongside SO many of my favourite bloggers. Please vote and spread the word (blog with the most votes wins)!

* I made this for you.
* Shipping container houses to blow your mind!
* Symbiotic sustainability.
* The Other Kate Berry
* Le Pirate blog
* I want to sneak into this house and never leave.
* Healthy ‘easter eggs’! Yum.
* I wanna convert this cake to gluten-free real soon.
* I shared the last of my Vietnam photos over on Common Threads recently.
* The one and only, Mr J.
* Love this post, thanks so much Liz! (To read our little phone interview click here).
* My book is now available at most leading and independant bookstores throughout NZ/Australia, as well as online!

xx Emm

P.s The big muesli-filled glass jar in the lead photo is the actual one I speak about in the book, it’s my Dad’s. 


My cookbooks


45 Responses

  1. happy book birthday!!!! yayayayayayayyy!!!!!! so so exciting.

    ooh and those chocolate and rosemary hot cross buns! get those in ma belly.

  2. Love the behind scene shots! So beautiful! Well done Emma on a wonderful book. Hope it smashes all bestselling charts. Congratulations on Publication Day, good luck with the launch tonight and with Saveur! xx

  3. Biggest, warmest congratulations to you, Emma, on the book release! I can't wait to hold it in my hands, knowing already that I'll be cooking from it a lot! Also, congratulations on Saveur nomination! Huge day for you, so well deserved!

    1. Thanks so much Anya! Congrats to you too! So awesome to see so many of my blogging friends are finalists this year! xx

  4. Yay!! Congrats on the Saveur award nomination. Was very happy to see your name on the list 🙂 Of course congratulations on the book!! I've been waiting for a while! Your pictures are a constant inspiration.

  5. Huge congrats on your cookbook launch! So exciting! AND the Saveur nomination–woot! I hope you enjoy this part of the process, too. And thanks so much for linking to my chocolate-covered easter eggs! 😀

    1. Thanks Ricki! Your easter eggs look and sound amazing, not sure I'll have time this easter to make them but I'm totally saving this recipe for another time 🙂 xx

  6. I am so so excited for you, Emma! Congratulations. Like giving birth, I imagine. THe book looks just divine, outrageously beautiful. Enjoy your launch, & congratulations for your (well deserved) nomination, too. Enjoy this magic time, you deserve a negroni 😉 xx

  7. Congratulations! And thank you so much for listing me (well, my blog… same thing) as one of your favourite things! I'm all giddy you've made my year. Much love xx

    1. Haha, you know I love you're work Sam! Can't believe it took me so long to put two and two together and realise it was you behind the beautiful Le Pirate blog! xx

  8. Hi Emma

    I received your beautiful book today! I don't know where to start, all the recipes look delicious. Your photography is fantastic.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be at your book launch, I would have loved a signed copy!

    Going to get my sourdough started tonight.



  9. That's awesome news Emma. Congrats to you. I have been following you for ages and your recipes are always so yum. I have just ordered the book from our local bookshop.

  10. Beautiful book- what a wonderful accomplishment.
    A relative just sent me a copy (to the US) and I'm so excited to try everything!
    Good luck on the award!