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a few of my favourite things {February 2014}


A quick little favourites list for your long-weekend reading… be back soon with a recipe!
* Love this blog post. I was warned off becoming a chef, but passion really does go a long way.
* One of the best pieces I’ve ever read about blogging. 
* This interview with my super talented friend.
* My Dad’s celebrating 40 years as a shoe maker! So cool. Proud daughter moment.
* I adore Luisa’s work and her new project is gonna be so beautiful! Goal achieved in 4 days!
* Totally loving this song right now. Free download here!
* Want (via Jas!)
* Interesting article! This is the story of my life.
* Yes to all of it. Love this lady. Keeping it real, always.
* Welcome to my new blog sponsors: Brookfarm + Bizzy Lizzy’s Good Things + Soul shoes + Palm Prints!
* Such an amazing book, even more-so because it mirror’s my husbands story to a T.
* New Chet Faker always makes me happy, as does this one from the end of last year…

My cookbooks


7 Responses

  1. Oooh thanks for sharing all of these! One of my favorite things about blogging and reading others' blogs, is benefitting from the inspiration of others. Always such a treat to see what makes other people tick. Love your site, btw! An inspiration for my own, that's for darn sure 😉

  2. So great ones there! Loved the article about NOT being a Chef- my dad wouldn't let me study to become a journalist as he told me all journalists are alcoholics. He was fine with me becoming a Chef though- if only he knew the seedy underbelly off the kitchen! HA! Xox

  3. – The post about chef life is absolutely hilarious! Could not have put it better myself.
    – The post by the lovely Orangette re blogging was a great read. The big wide world of blogging is very new to me so reading someone else's perspective (especially someone you admire) was quite comforting.
    Thank you for sharing them Emma. X