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Vietnam, take me back…


It’s hard to believe it’s been over 6 weeks since we left Vietnam. We seem to have hit the ground running since our arrival home and I’ve hardly had a moment to stop and breath, hence my lack of posts lately… and it taking me a whopping 6 weeks to finally post these! 
I can’t even begin to explain how truly amazing it was to take our kids over there for the first time, after talking about it with them their whole lives. And you know the funniest thing? It was like they had lived there their whole lives, nothing really fazed them; not the busyness, the strange smells or people pinching their faces (half-cast kids are adored over there!), they instantly bonded with their family in the village (I didn’t see the kids for 2 days straight, they were too busy playing with their cousins!) and it was as if they knew deep down, they were home. What was even more amazing still was seeing them meet their 100 year old Grandma, who sadly passed away this week just gone. The tears in her little eyes as she met, hugged and kissed them on that first day in the village is an image I will never forget for as long as I live. Such special moments.

* You may have already seen my exciting news from a few days ago and I promise I will share more with you soon. 
* A few of my instagram photos from Vietnam have been featured over on the beautiful site The Open Window Exchange.
* I’ve got my first post up on Common Threads if you wanna check it out, I talk about our dreams of growing stuff, lotsa stuff…



My cookbooks


37 Responses

  1. Love your photos! I must make it to the south of vietnam next time. Hanoi was beautiful but I feel the south has a slightly different feel to it judging from your photos! Gorgeous. And congrats on the book again, so exciting 🙂

    1. Thanks love! Yes Southern Vietnam is quite different to the North, especially if you can get out into the countryside. xx

  2. You've captured the Vietnam lifestyle and energy perfectly. Everything is so lively and warm, in a' humble sort of way. It makes me smile to think of your kids, thriving in their home-away-from-homeland, and I wish to run the streets with them, just to know the soils and the roots of this beautiful little place.

    1. It's a truly special place, especially when you learn a little about the history of this harrowing country and see how resilient it's beautiful people are.

  3. do you children speak vietnamese? i was going to ask if not, how did they communicate but then i remembered when i was younger and playing with kids who did not speak english, and my vietnamese was so poor, and still having a grand time.

    i love your vietnam pix, makes me want to go back.

    1. Looking at them makes me wanna go back too 🙂 Sadly our kids only know the odd word of Vietnamese, but that didn't seem to stop them from playing! They did get frustrated at times, but Si could translate for them whenever they really needed it xx

  4. Beautiful photos Emma and how exciting to see your dream come to fruition with your book – congratulations!

    1. The markets are totally amazing! I just wished that I had a kitchen to play around in while we were over there, it was torture not being able to buy all that beautiful produce! (We did go crazy on the fruit though, of course :-))

  5. Great photos, they are wonderful indeed! Great news on the book- fantastic 🙂
    Sorry about grandma, but how lovely that your children got to meet her and make memories before it was to late. I'm sure they'll never forget her xox

  6. Beautiful ,beautiful:)Love seeing these,especially in this -40 degree winter, can really bring people into your pictures,i almost feel like I am the one standing in your sandals,jandals,,shoes taking them.

  7. Such vibrant photographs, so full of life and colour; what I love about your pictures always. I'm so sorry for your family's loss but I'm so glad that your children got to meet their grandmother xo

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss, but it's really lovely that Grandma got to meet your kids – and so very nice that she was 'aware' if you know what I mean?
    I was so worried that the Vietnamese would really dislike western people, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The South is different than the North, but they are the loveliest people. The food is amazing too.
    I would give anything to revisit…

    1. It's a truly special place isn't it?
      It's funny, it almost felt like Grandma was waiting for us to finally visit (she's been asking us to bring the kids over to meet her for a good few years now!) so she could pass peacefully. I feel so blessed for the time we got to spend with her. xx

  9. Emma, I hadn't realized that your kids had never been to Vietnam. How amazing for them to finally go and hang with their cousins. Adorable!
    And I love your travel pix. Those little white eggplants… wow!!
    xoxo to you,

    1. Haha, well you know taking that photo of the little white eggplants got me a slap on the bum from a cheeky old lady! It seems she wasn't too pleased with me taking photos unless I was going to also buy some… which I suppose is fair-enough 😉

  10. Even though it seems you stayed with family for most of your visit, can you recommend any nice guesthouses for a family to stay. Kind regards. Looking forward to visiting Vietnam.

    1. There are loads and loads of guest houses and hotels to choose from in Vietnam! I don't know the names of the places we stayed off the top of my head sorry and it all depends on where you are planning to visit xx

  11. I just found out that I'm going to Vietnam (and Cambodia) in April and rushed over here to be re-inspired by your gorgeous images and trip. 🙂 Such a beautiful story!