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Inspire me: Sarah B from My New Roots

My first Inspire me post of the new year is someone that really won’t need any introduction… Sarah B, the ever positive voice behind My New Roots has worked up quite a name for herself over the past few years, sharing her trademark health-inspired recipes (often over on Martha Stewart’s Meatless Mondays series too!), in-depth nutritional information and holistic beliefs that captivated me from the very first time I stumbled across her blog. 
Nutrition was always at the forefront of our lives growing up and when I first moved home (to NZ) from Australia in my early 20’s I was all set to give up cooking and train as a ayurvedic practioner… before cooking lured me back in! It is this side of Sarah’s blog that I love the most, her knowledge as a holistic nutritionist is boundless and her zest for life infectious. 

Thanks so much Sarah for taking the time out of your (super) busy schedule to share a little more about yourself with us! Much love Emm xx

1. What is your blog about and when did you first push publish?

My blog is My New Roots. My first post was in October of 2007. 
2. Tell us your cooking philosophy in three words.
Whole-food. Plant-based. Delicious. 
3. What’s your favourite season?
Such a tough one! I think autumn is my favorite because of the variety of amazing produce that is being harvested at that time. All the hard work from the summer pays off in total abundance. 

4. Sweet or savoury?

This may be a cop-out, but I love the combination. One of my favorite snacks these days is salted rice cakes with tahini, chia seeds and raw honey. 
5. What’s your favourite cuisine?
I am pretty adventurous when it comes to food, and I love trying all plant-based dishes from around the world. Right now, I am definitely having a Middle-Eastern moment, using lots of tahini, olives, sumac, chickpeas, aubergine, and pomegranate. 

6. Who are your food heros? And which food bloggers inspire you?
7. Do you come from a family of good cooks?
No, not at all! But my parents made eating together every night a priority, which is one reason food is so important to me. 
8. What’s your favourite food indulgence?
I love really good, fresh bread drenched in olive oil. 

9. Tell us something about yourself that we wouldn’t necessarily know from reading your blog… 
I originally went to school to study painting. 
10. What is one of your favourite posts from My New Roots?
One of my favorite posts was The Heart Beet Rawvioli, which I made for my husband after a hang gliding accident where he broke both his arms. I like the post simply because of its sentimentality and how I translated my love into a dish. (He is fine now, by the way!)

Thanks so much Sarah B! All the best for 2013 xx 

And for those of you who would like to ‘see’ Sarah in the flesh, check out this talk she did recently at a TED conference in Amsterdam. 

You might also like to read my previous Inspire me posts:

My cookbooks


11 Responses

  1. Great interview! I'm also a big fan of MyNewRoots and Sarah 🙂 She seems lovely and her blog's content is precious. Thank you for sharing Emma! x Louise

  2. That's for that it's great!

    She is such a positive force. I love reading her posts. I am also very much into healthy and clean food so it's great to get ideas from her.

    I was recently in India for 3 weeks and did ayurvedic massage and yoga and I've been "re-reminded" of the importance of health, so I am taking lots of care of myself… early nights, good food, etc.

    I started my own business recently. It's dreamy and bohemian jewelry from far-flung places like India, Turkey and Afghanistan…

    You can see it here: (website coming soon!)

    Love & light,
