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Inspire me: David + Luise from Green Kitchen Stories

Sometimes my late-night Internet crawling leads me to a true gem of a blog, Green Kitchen Stories is totally one of them. I first came across GKS nearly two years ago and I don’t think there has been a post I’ve not read since. In a world of fast-foods, meat and pre-packaged meals, coming across people who share similar views to me felt like coming home. As mentioned in my last Inspire Me post I always know I’m onto a good thing when I feel the need to stay up way into the night reading a blogs archives and the night I first came across GKS was no exception! Haha. I think they had just got home from travelling around the world with their daughter Elsa, and I was instantly drawn in by their gorgeous light-filled photos, healthy recipes and beautiful honest words. I stayed up reading all the guest posts they had lined up for their time away, discovering a few other amazing blogs along the way too, and then drooled over their photos of Vietnam, Thailand, China and California.

It’s been a busy year for David and Luise as not only have they release their very own Green Kitchen Stories App but they have just handed in their manuscript for their first cookbook too! I was lucky enough to catch a spare second in David’s day to answer a few questions below…

What is your blog about and when did you first push publish? 
Green Kitchen Stories is about healthy vegetarian cooking. We share one recipe a week 
followed by a story. We recently had our 3 years anniversary where we celebrated the blog, our Green Kitchen App and the Green Kitchen Cookbook. 
Tell us your cooking philosophy in three words:


What’s your favourite season?

Spring. The winter in Scandinavia is very long, cold and dark and every year something 
special happens when everything starts to wake up, grow and shine.

Sweet or savoury? 

Luise usually creates our savoury dishes and I do the sweet. If we only could pick one
to keep on doing, it would be savoury – there are too many cupcakes in the world already.

What’s your favourite cuisine? 
It must be the Indian cuisine with all its spices, lentils, vegetables and coconut milk dishes. It’s truly inspiring with a country that has such a long vegetarian tradition.

Who are your food heros? And which food bloggers inspire you? 

Nigel Slater, Yotam Ottolenghi, Heidi Swanson Jamie Oliver create food that inspire us. 
Donna Hay and photographer Alastair Hendy makes everything look so beautiful. 
Our favorite food blogs are: 101 Cookbooks, My New Roots, Sprouted Kitchen, Roost. And of course, My Darling Lemon Thyme. (Why thank you! xx Emm)

Do you come from a family of good cooks?
Not really. My dad still has problems cooking vegetarian food. But homemade food and cooking together has always been in focus in both our families. It will be interesting to see how Elsa turns out now that food is such a big part of our lives.

What are your favourite food indulgences?
Nut butter + fruit.

Tell us something about yourself that we wouldn’t necessarily know from reading your blog.
I play several
hours of tennis, soccer and floor ball each week. And I’m working as a Art
Director for an interior magazine.
Luise will start a
2-year education in nutritional therapy this winter. 5 times a week she is off
to do functional training, yoga and spinning. We never work out together, but
once in a while we challenge each other in the badminton field.

You’ve been working on
your cookbook over that past few months, that is due out in Spring 2013 (our autumn down under). What is one of your favourite recipes from the book? (And a
huge congrats by the way, I’m really excited to get my copy once it’s out!)
Thanks! In a few months we will have the first
copy of the book in our hands. It feels really exciting but also very scary at
the same time. One of our favourite recipes is actually an Indian dish,
Cauliflower & Apricot Dal – a perfect family dinner. But apart from that we
also have a lot of dishes which are inspired from our Scandinavian heritage, a
delicious cold broccoli & raisin salad for example.

Thanks so much David + Luise, all the best for your book launch xx

*This is the second post in my Inspire Me: Blog Series. If you are interested to read part one click here- Inspire me: Sara Forte from The Sprouted Kitchen.

My cookbooks


9 Responses

  1. How lovely to feature those who inspire you. I remember the first time I found Green Kitchen Stories. They were only a few months in, but with such a stunning visual style and unique recipes. It's been such a pleasure to watch them grow as a family. Can't wait to see the book!

    Thanks, Emma. You're one of the people who inspire me. xox

  2. Thank you for sharing Green Kitchen Stories with us! I started reading their blog and can't wait to get back to it (and I've already picked out quite a few recipes to try). Very inspiring indeed!

  3. Oh these guys seem so nice. I love reading their blog as well. In fact when i first discovered several years ago I think I spent the evening trolling through every single recipe.. I cannot wait for the book.