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Pickled chillies

I’ve grown chillies for years, not only because I love them but also because they are one of those ingredients that are so damn expensive to buy, but oh so easy to grow! I use them fresh throughout the Autumn months, I freeze both green and red ones whole, to use throughout the year and […]

Thyme-roasted tomato + rice salad with preserved lemon + sumac

Kia ora koutou! I hope your new year has got off to an ok start? I know we’re living in some pretty weird times right now, but I hope amongst all of that you’re managing to stay sane, healthy and well. I took a little time off at the start of the year and it […]

20 flavour-packed vegetarian Christmas salads+ sides

Growing up (vegetarian) our Christmas meal didn’t resemble the ‘norm’. Sure lunch at the Grandparents was pretty traditional, but my family only ate the salads, vegetable sides and mums silverbeet + feta filo pie she’d take along to my Grandparents without fail, every year. Us kids would hurry to grab a slice before the rest […]

Strawberry, rocket (arugula) + goats cheese salad with black pepper dressing

I’ve had this recipe sitting in my drafts for years. It’s crazy I’ve not shared it already but I seem to keep missing the moment when strawberries are in season and everyone’s looking for festive recipes, probably because I’m running around like a headless chicken most of November and all of December. Using only a […]

Peperonata Tartines with Castello Aged Havarti

—This post is sponsored by Castello Cheese. Thank you for supporting the businesses who allow me to continue to share recipes on this site— Many of you will know by now that my MO when developing new recipes is that they be simple, achievable and PACKED with flavour. This here recipe is all that and more. […]