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growing your own organic garlic…

Growing garlic is one of the easiest and most rewarding things one can do, and if I was to suggest you try just one new thing in your garden this year, it would be this. It can even be grown in pots if you are garden-less. Buying locally grown garlic can get expensive and I refuse […]

what to do with strawberry runners…

Ever wondered what those long dangly bits are that grow from your strawberry plants? They’re called runners and basically what they are is the plant trying to expand. If you look closely you will see that underneath each bunch of new leaves growing on the runner, there will be a little root trying to shoot out the […]

growing mint, the easy way

There’s nothing like having fresh mint on hand to add a little life to boiled potatoes, freshness to salads and colour to desserts. It’s one of my favourite herbs and one I would hate to do without. You can grow it from seed, from little seedlings or from cuttings as I like to do. My […]

preparing homegrown salad greens…

So after my last post where I used home-grown salad leaves from out the back in my shaved fennel, nasturtium and radish salad, I thought it might be the perfect time to give you all a few tips on how best to prepare your salad greens before use and my favourite way to keep them […]

new beginnings…

It’s been a huge week here in blogosphere. If you write a blog or read any of the big food blogs you will know what I am talking about, if not… stay tuned. While I attempt to gather my thoughts and put them into words in a few days (along with a very special recipe), […]

collecting coriander seeds…

Does anyone else feel just a wee bit scared about where the world is heading? With so much destruction in such a short space of time, I have a feeling Mother Earth is trying to get back at us for all the harm we humans have inflicted on her. I’ve really been struggling writing blog […]

natural homemade garden fertiliser

Our garden is starting to look healthy and lush thanks to all this lovely warm weather and is something I am once again proud of! (It really was a sad state of affairs over winter, understandably). I’ve found from personal experience, that a lot of people seem to get put off growing their own vegetables […]