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Smash-roasted perlas potatoes with creamy horseradish mayonnaise

Growing up we ate a lot of potatoes. Mum has mentioned more than once there were times when us kids only ate potatoes and not much else! I’m sure we ate other things, but I do have strong memories of freshly cooked spuds, generously slathered in butter and sprinkled with nutritional yeast (don’t judge, we […]

Sri Lankan cashew curry

Three weeks on, I’m still on a curry bender after returning home from Sri Lanka. I can’t get enough of it and miss my daily dose. I find it funny that in the western world curry is mostly associated with and eaten throughout the cooler months, given all the countries where curry and rice are […]

Sri Lankan egg curry

I travelled quite a bit in my early twenties, always to parts of Asia, always wanting to see the world through other peoples eyes and every time in search of amazing food. I’m drawn to heat, spices and flavour turned up high (in case you hadn’t already noticed!). I feel most at home eating curry […]

Roasted red onion, black lentil + dried blueberry salad

Have you ever had one of those nights where you feel like you didn’t sleep a wink, even though you must have? I’ve just woken from one where my dreams were so vivid, conversations so clear, it felt like I was awake the whole night. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have no […]

Quick + easy spring vegetarian curry

While I do own a few cooking gadgets, I usually prefer to do things the old-fashioned way- using my knife, chopping board, pans and wooden spoon to help me create tasty daily meals for my family, as well as for my work and this site too. I love the process of cooking, but that doesn’t […]

Beetroot + watercress salad with horseradish crème fraiche

If you were to peek into my fridge on any given day you could be forgiven for assuming a very greedy person lived in this house. Jar apon little jar of all manner of sauce, dressing, relish and pickle line the shelves. It’s not that I’m greedy per se, it’s just that I really like […]