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Dark chocolate, pear + rosemary cake {gluten + dairy-free} + exciting news!

We were sitting at the dinner table the other night when Kye started talking and asking questions about same sex couples. He was very cute and I could see his little brain ticking over it all. ‘Some families have two Mums, don’t they?’. ‘ Yep.’ ‘Some families have two Dad’s don’t they?’ ‘Yep.’ It was […]

gluten-free peach + raspberry crostata recipe

I’m a perfectionist in many ways. I like the toilet roll facing out, never in. If I see a mat at a front door that’s slightly off-centre, I find myself straightening it out with my toes without thinking. On a good day my cookbooks are stacked up just so (otherwise they are strewn all over […]

flourless rhubarb + lemon cake recipe

I started working when I was 14 years old. I spent my weekends rolling ice cream and selling pies, lollies and newspapers in my local dairy (aka deli/corner store for those of you who don’t understand kiwi :-)) I saved every penny I earned and in my second-to-last year of high school I’d saved enough cash […]

mulberry lemon yoghurt tart + a giveaway winner!

The day after I handed in my manuscript I started running. After months of intense recipe testing (and eating) lets just say my body needed, no, demanded a good shake up. While exercise is definitely not something that’s new to me (me and a group of friends have been catching up to exercise in the park a couple of times a week for the […]

gluten-free lemon maple meringue pies

“What did you used to eat mum, you know… back in the day?” the boy asked recently. Back in the day? What does he mean by back in the day? Like the 100 years ago kinda back in the day his words were implying or the just when I was younger kinda back in the day? […]

raspberry, pear + almond crumble {gluten-free}

Growing up, we lived in a house on the hill overlooking the little sleepy town of Raglan, NZ. In winter there were days when the fog barely lifted it’s thick blanket and our house remained shaded by the huge pine trees growing at the top of the hill. On those days the ice was set […]

lemon posset à la Poires au Chocolat

We have arrived safely back in Perth after what was a whirl-wind trip in NZ. I feel like I could have easily spent another month or two in Raglan to do all that I wanted to do, but alas, the real world was calling. While I unpack and get back to my recipe testing, the […]