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eggplant + tomato curry with buttered millet

It’s such a funny thing being in contact with so many people from all corners of the world on a daily basis. When we’re in the midst of our cold winters (yes, it does get cold here in Perth… for a moment at least!), all my friends from the top part of the world are […]

Spicy tofu curry recipe (vegan) and my cookbook giveaway winners!

Guys! I’m about to step on a plane home to New Zealand! But before I go I thought I share this post, which was originally written for Common Threads, a beautiful collaboration I’ve been part of since the start of the year which was started by my dear friend Sash from Inked In Colour. Also, the […]

potato curry recipe

Growing up, there was always a copy of Diet for a Small Planet kicking around that I used to often look through. I have a sneaky feeling nearly all vegetarian families in the 70’s-80’s owned at least one copy and when I left home it was one of the first books I bought, most probably the […]

tomato + eggplant curry with chilli + lime

Going home has made me miss it more than ever before. For the past two years I’ve been so busy trying not to think about how much I miss my family and friends back in NZ, but seeing them once again and especially taking the kids home this time has left me longing to be […]

dahl maharani recipe

It’s been a very indecisive week around here. As you can see I’ve made a few changes to this blog and if you stopped by in the last few days while I was chopping and changing you may have wondered what the hell I was up to! Haha, me too. For a minute there I […]

pumpkin tofu curry recipe

I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I’ve been feeling really detached from this site over the past fortnight. All with good reason. First there was a health scare or two, including a lovely spider bite just under my right eye, there was a sick child thrown into the mix somewhere there and lastly Kye’s 4th birthday […]

tadka dahl recipe

Recently I picked up Gordon Ramsay’s~Great Escape, at a book sale in town. Now, I’m not usually one to be sucked into the whole ‘celebrity chef thing’, and with this book nothing has changed. I buy a book for its content over the name of the author any day. When I picked this book up and started […]