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raw chocolate fudge with cacao nibs + sea salt

Over the years, I’ve had many conversations with people about the very limited amount of dairy that we consume. Inevitably the question always comes up at some stage ‘but where do you get your calcium from?’. I’m really no expert, but in my humble opinion this whole- you have to eat dairy to get enough […]

homemade lemon + lime cordial recipe

Growing up, our water came straight from the sky and onto our tin roof, before draining into the dark green tank that sat perched amongst the jasmine flowers at the back of our house. There were no chemicals added, at all. We bathed in this beautiful rainwater, drank it and mum prepared our meals using […]

Grain-free mesquite + cacao nib muffin recipe

Hey guys, just stopping in real quick today to share a bunch of great links! I’ve been ridiculously honoured to be the ‘featured foodie’ over on the Loving Earth site for the month of March and I came up with these little mesquite and cacao nib muffins as my final offering. You can grab the […]

homemade lemonade popsicle recipe

I experienced the strangest thing yesterday. I was at my local health-food store stocking up on a few essentials we were running low on, when I got chatting to the shop assistant, like I always do. She remembered I’d been in there buying ginger lollies the day before we left for Vietnam, hoping they may help ease Ada’s […]

mulberry lemon yoghurt tart + a giveaway winner!

The day after I handed in my manuscript I started running. After months of intense recipe testing (and eating) lets just say my body needed, no, demanded a good shake up. While exercise is definitely not something that’s new to me (me and a group of friends have been catching up to exercise in the park a couple of times a week for the […]