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homemade butter recipe

There are some food trends I may never fully understand. Take Cronuts for example or molecular gastronomy. Layers of deep-fried croissant pastry or liquid nitrogen in my food, nope not for me, thanks. But there is a trend that’s gaining more and more momentum as the years go by that’s totally in line with me and my beliefs and […]

spiced tomato chutney recipe + a huge thank you!

First things first, the biggest thank you to everyone who emailed after my last post asking for recipe testers!! I was expecting a handful of my regular readers to put their hand up, but was not expecting so many of my silent followers to come out of the woodwork’s too! I was so humbled by your emails […]

spiced nuts recipe

This past week has been a whirlwind of school Christmas parties, last minute shopping, late-night gift making, cooking for the book, bbqs and catch-ups with friends. It’s been awesome, but I feel like I haven’t sat once to catch my breath until today. The kids have been nagging at me all day to go out ‘and […]

mango and lime curd recipe

I had the hard word from my brother just a few weeks after we moved into our new house, he told me to stop talking about the damn mango trees. I tried, I really did. But please just allow me this one last hurrah will you? Mango season is officially over at our house, we […]

vegetarian sushi recipe and tips…

So usually I only post recipes if I think I can add a new modern spin on a classic, or have come up with a combination I think it really amazing. But occasionally it’s quite nice to just highlight a dish that is perfect, just how it is. Sure, I went through a phase of […]

homemade pickled ginger recipe

We love sushi in this house. Actually some would say we live off the stuff! When the kids were little living back home in Raglan and being gluten-free the only place we could really ever take them ‘out’ for lunch was to the local sushi shop. They kinda had no choice in the matter; they […]

homemade almond milk recipe

Have you tried almond milk before? I hadn’t up until a week ago. This may sound rather strange for someone who has been mostly dairy-free for over three years, but it just always seemed way to expensive to justify buying it and we simply got used to the sweet thinness of rice milk in place of cow. Back […]