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Gluten + Dairy-free Peach + Passionfruit Muffins

So somehow I’ve blinked and it’s the second day of Autumn? Instead of the slower pace the season usually brings, instead it’s feeling kinda like spring to me, in that I’ve got so many things on the go, lots of new beginnings and exciting things to share. After recovering from a flu that knocked our […]

Gluten-free Blueberry, Lemon + Coconut Cake

Growing up, there was a overgrown blueberry farm that mum would take us to nestled just on the outskirts of town. It wasn’t open to the public from memory, well not anymore at least. But somehow my mum had heard about this woman’s property, so we’d find ourselves there come summertime, ice cream containers at […]

Gluten-free Holiday Cookie recipes

Chocolate-filled baby hazelnut cookies (gluten + dairy-free) Try as I might, pulling together a new recipe for a post this past month was just not ever going to happen. Between final book edits, dance rehearsals, end of year school trips and packing up our ENTIRE LIFE to ship home to NZ (in just over two […]

Little lemon + lavender cakes {Gluten-free} + news!

I had some pretty scary complications at the start of my first pregnancy. Complications which required weekly blood tests to ensure the baby was developing as it should. I was freaked out to say the least, but the hardest part of all of it was not being able to tell anyone. Of course there was […]

Gluten + dairy-free spiced pear and almond cake recipe

Five years ago today, I posted my very first blog post. We were living back home in Raglan, NZ in our little house in the trees. My baby girl was turning 4 on the same day (she’s 9 today, far out!) and I thought it was as good a time to start a project as […]

Chocolate-filled baby hazelnut cookies recipe {gluten + dairy-free}

I was doing so well this year. Easter came and went and I only had a handful of teeny Easter eggs, which I thought were stealthy stolen late at night when no one was watching… only to be caught out the following day by the little monkeys, who it turns out know every egg collected […]