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3 girls, a big city and loads of good food…


I kinda don’t know where to begin today, so I’m just gonna start with what you all know already and see where it leads me. So, last weekend I travelled to Melbourne to attend the Kidspot Gala awards evening. It’s not something I was even sure I was going to make, as Melbourne isn’t exactly just down the road from Perth. But with Si home that weekend (to look after the kids) and two fellow mums to travel with, things all worked out just as they were supposed to. I’ve had knots in my stomach for what feels like this whole year, waiting to find out my fate at these awards. As the winners were read out, I swear my heart was in my ears. The announcement of the two main awards that I was a finalist in came and went, my name wasn’t called. I was bummed I’m not gonna lie (a $30,000 kitchen would have changed my life, lets be honest here), but there was a sudden sense of release. All the months of angst and excitement just evaporated. Gone. Vamoose. The next thing I know my name is being called out, My Darling Lemon Thyme in big words on the wall! What?! Without even knowing the prize existed, it turns out I’d won the People’s Choice award! Thank you so much people! The night was filled with many long-time-in-the-making conversations as I finally got to meet many of my online blogging friends for the first time. And still being on Perth time having only arrived that afternoon, meant we weren’t even that tired at the end of the night… a bonus when you’re a tad out of practice with this whole ‘going out’ thang.

Peggy, Sash and I still had a day and a bit after the awards to explore a little of Melbourne and without going on about it too much, I think I’m in love. Melbourne, I heart you. Here’s just a handful of the hundreds of pictures I took over the weekend… (if you wanna see a few more right now, click here) It would probably be best to expect more to come at a later date. You’ve been warned 🙂

Degraves St. Melbourne. Photo credits - Peggy Saas


Photo credit for the pic with me in it (back to the camera, down the lane) | The lovely Peggy Saas

My cookbooks


35 Responses

  1. Congratulations Emma!!! So truly well deserved! Your blog is definitely one of my favourites. Your genuine nature and talent in the kitchen really shines through. I just can't wait for the release of your book.

    I loved seeing all of your photos of Melbourne too. I lived there for 7 years and I just loved it there. You've reminded me it's been far too long since I've been back.

    1. Thanks Rosie! I was thinking about you all weekend, wishing you still lived there so I could visit 🙂 I can't believe I've never lived in Melbourne before, I'm totally in love with the place!

  2. These photos are just so beautiful. I came from London to Melbourne as part of a career break and completely fell in love with the city. Ten years later I'm still here, continuing to have the best (and longest!) holiday of my life. Lovely to hear your take on the city of my heart!

  3. Just stunning, as always. What a gorgeous capture of Melbourne, it's nice to see it through your lens Emm.

    Thanks for a truly fabulous weekend, I've found my people. 🙂

  4. Wow, congratulations!
    These photos are fantastic. They really capture the feel of Melbourne! I'm probably a bit biased, being a Melbournian myself, but it is an amazing city.

  5. Yay! Congratulations! Of all the awards, I'd say People's Choice is a pretty high honor — so proud of you! PS these shots! now I want to go to Melbourne. : )

  6. Beautiful photos and congratulations again on your award, truly a sign of what an incredible job you are doing! You should have stayed longer, wish I could have shown you about a bit more. xx

    1. Oh I would have LOVED that Emiko! Not sure my kids would have handled me being away any longer though… hope your packing is going ok? xx

  7. Congrats, Emma!!! And what gorgeous photos of a beautiful city. You make me want to visit your side of the world. 🙂 xo

  8. Congratulations Emma – a well deserved award. You have a great blog and your photos of Melbourne are fabulous. What was your prize??

    1. Haha, that's what I asked when I won the prize! I had no idea the prize even existed 🙂 I won $1500 cash. I'm thinking I might finally get my hands on a Vitamix!

  9. So, so pleased you won the people's choice award – it is so well deserved and a testament to what a special space you've created here.

    A colleague has just come back from a couple of weeks in Melbourne and has been talking about it very highly. I think I've already fallen in love with it from your photographs – you've done such a great job and capturing the vibe of the city.

  10. Yay! Congrats! And $1,500 ain't a shabby prize to walk away with. (I'd get a Vitamix too!)

    I've heard lots and lots of wonderful things about Melbourne, including all the street art that abounds—and that you captured wonderfully! Someone once told me it was like the San Francisco of Australia. If that's the case, I know I'd love it.

    1. Thanks so much Linda! SF is somewhere I would love to visit someday too, although I have a feeling I'd never want to leave 😉